Save Our Schools Hawaii to help homeless children on 'furlough Friday'
Save Our Schools Hawaii said it is organizing a community service project to bring food and other essentials to homeless children and their families on the fourth “furlough Friday.”
S.O.S. said the day off from school means the 1,700-plus homeless children in Hawaii's public schools will miss breakfast and lunch, meals that are normally provided at school through the free lunch program. In addition to meeting educational needs, schools are a safe haven for children experiencing homelessness, S.O.S. said.
S.O.S. Hawaii, in partnership with Hawaii Education Matters and the School and University Partnership for Educational Renewal in Mathematics (SUPER-M) will provide lunches, books, toys and basic hygiene items to families experiencing homelessness in the Kakaako Park and Ala Moana area on Friday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.