'Warfare' looks spectacular, but story's weak
By Lou Kesten
Associated Press
"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2," almost certain to be the year's best-selling video game, has also become its most notorious. That's because of a prerelease leak showing a terrorist raid on an airport — exactly the sort of thing that's guaranteed to rile up anti-violence watchdogs and generate free publicity.
Now that I've played "Modern Warfare 2" (Activision, for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3), I can report that the airport massacre is absolutely essential to its story. The rationale behind your character's participation in the assault, however, is idiotic: You're really a good guy who has infiltrated the terrorist cell. So fire away.
The remainder of "MW2" deals with the repercussions from the terrorist attack, which causes escalating global tensions to explode into all-out war. Tanks rumble through the Virginia suburbs, helicopters circle the Washington Monument and millions die — all because of an awesomely ill-conceived plan to get intel on a terrorist.
I'm not giving anything away that you haven't already seen in Activision's TV ads. The sight of D.C. in flames is spectacular, and it's a terrific setting for virtual combat. "MW2" is filled with such mind-blowing set pieces, from the slums of Rio de Janeiro to the snowy mountains of Russia.
If you're into online combat, "MW2" is a must-buy.
I just wish Infinity Ward had taken the time to write a more coherent story for the single-player adventure.