Community calendar
MIA — RECOVERING THE HISTORY OF A COMMUNITY THROUGH DIGITIZATION, Center for Philippine Studies colloquium: talk by Clement Bautista, director, Office of Multicultural Student Services, University of Hawaii-Mänoa, noon to 1:30 p.m., Moore Hall 319, Tokioka Room; free. 956-6086.
SILENT AUCTION, presented by Friends of Koolau Clubhouse, 4:30 to 7 p.m., 46-016 Alaloa St., Käneohe; Hawaiian plates $13 presale and $15 at the door; plants, handmade baby quilts, ukulele, gyotaku prints and more. Preview: Information: 233-3778 or koolauclub
HAWAII STITCHERY AND FIBRE ARTS GUILD MEETING, 7 p.m., Academy Art Center at Linekona; agenda: tribute to Juliette May Fraser; talk by Brenda Ching on creating hooks, buttons and more from wire; bring pliers, flush cutters and needle files; public welcome.