Chaminade holding high school workshops on 'furlough Fridays'
In response to Hawaii’s public school furloughs, Chaminade University announced today that it will hold three free half-day events for high school students on Nov. 6, Dec. 4 and Dec. 11 on its Waialae campus. Each of the scheduled Fridays will include a biology workshop from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., lunch from 12 to 1 p.m., and an optional campus tour following lunch.
Presented by Chaminade University’s biology department and sponsored by Chaminade University’s office of admissions, the program is aimed at high school students interested in a science, pre-health or nursing major in college. It is geared for students interested in college, giving them the opportunity to have an academically focused morning, sample an introductory-level college course and get an overview of basic techniques for DNA and bacterial cultures.
Workshops will be held in Chaminade University’s newly renovated science labs. Students may attend one, two or all three events. Juniors and seniors are especially welcome. Everything is free. Because space is limited, those interested should contact Chaminade Admissions as soon as possible at or 739-8340. Visit for more information.
Workshop topics scheduled are: