Fields reduced for most state championship sports
The Hawai'i High School Athletic Association's executive board voted unanimously today to reduce state tournament participation in most individual sports by 20 percent, a move that will affect hundreds of athletes this coming school year.
Affected sports include boys and girls golf, swimming, wrestling, air riflery, bowling and cross country. The reduction in boys and girls tennis would be greater -- from 44 singles and doubles each to 32 (27 percent), while the reduction in judo is less, from a maximum of 16 entries per weight class to 14 (14 percent).
Paddling also will be affected, with the tournament entries dropping from 24 teams to 16.
Track and field events will be limited to 26 qualifiers, down from a high of 36 in some events.
A proposal to use a formula limiting other team state tournaments to 33 percent of the overall participation statewide per division was tabled due to gender equity concerns. A vote has been delayed until June 24.
The O'ahu Interscholastic Association, made up of 29 public schools, submitted most of the proposals relating to the reductions while citing the Department of Education's 50-percent budget cut in athletic supplies, equipment and transportation.