Community calendar
STAR PROGRAM, featuring star watching and star lore, 7:30 p.m. at Haleakala National Park; meet at Hosmer Grove Shelter; free, park entrance fee $10. 808-572-4459.
PACIFIC AVIATION MUSEUM, hangar talk, "Carrier Ops," by retired naval aviators Chip Gunther and Scotty Scott, 1 p.m., Hangar 37, Ford Island, theater; free with museum admission. Information:
HAWAII GIFTED ASSOCIATION, summer session for educators, students and parents, 9 to 10:30 a.m. at 1232 Waimanu St.; guest speaker, psychologist Barbara Higa Rogers on "Emotional and Social Issues for the Gifted." 597-8824,
MENDED HEARTS, 1 to 3 p.m., Rehab Hospital of the Pacific, WO4 conference room. 531-3511, (events section).