CFB: Some Texas faculty uphappy over Brown's $5 million salary
Associated Press
AUSTIN, Texas — Some University of Texas faculty question whether football coach Mack Brown is worth $5 million annually when the school faces tough budget choices.
University system regents last week decided Brown deserved more money, raising his annual pay from $3 million. The Longhorns on Jan. 7 will face fellow unbeaten Alabama for the BCS championship.
A resolution approved Monday, in an informal vote during a UT Faculty Council meeting, said the $5 million deal was "unseemly and inappropriate." The group lacked a quorum for an official vote.
UT President William Powers Jr. says the athletic program, under Brown, has had no subsidies or deficits and has channeled $6.6 million into academic programs in recent years.
Brown's salary is paid with money raised by athletic department revenues.