Prestigious hula and culture gathering coming to Oahu
Ka 'Aha Hula O Halauola Hula Conference 2009, a biannual gathering of hula teachers and students, cultural practitioners and artists, will take place July 26-31 on the Kapalama Campus of Kamehameha Schools.
More than 100 presenters are expected to offer dawn-to-dark activities for anyone interested in hula and Hawaiian culture.
This is the third conference, the first two held on Maui and Hawai'i island, sponsored by the Edith Kanaka'ole Foundation and Kauahea Inc. Overall chairperson for the 2009 conference is kumu hula Leina'ala Kalama Heine.
Information and registration:
In addition a two-and-a-half day pre-conference workshop will be offered July 23-25 where attendees can learn to make hula implements, pound kapa, make natural fiber dies, weave lauhala, make lei, perform featherwork and other crafts. Cost is $150 plus materials costs.