Posted on: Friday, March 2, 2007
The Enterprise's mission: Don't stop the dance
By Derek Paiva Advertiser Entertainment Writer
Julia Sanders, of Lanikai, and Wes Scanlon get into the groove on the dance floor of Sound/House.
Photos by REBECCA BREYER | The Honolulu Advertiser
Kailey Outram, left, of Wahiawa, and Kylie Doka, of Kailua, laugh it up at The Enterprise on a recent Friday evening.
Lilah Akin, of Makiki, and Wes Scanlon, of Kailua, chill at The Enterprise, at Sound/House, the former Detox Lounge site on Alakea Street.
Where: Sound/House (formerly Detox Lounge), 1192 Alakea St.
When: 9 p.m.-2 a.m., first Friday of every month
Web site: _enterprise
Age of crowd: Teenage to mid-twentysomething
I'm under 21: But older than 18? Welcome!
I'm over 40: Careful. You might run into your kids.
Cover: $5. Free for 21 and older before 9:30 p.m.
What to wear: Dressy or casual wear stating your stand on fashion, music, film, politics or Canada's coolness is a good start. Otherwise, it's a free country, eh. Among the inspired fashions we saw were bowling shirts, Anthrax and Mother Love Bone tees and some dude seriously copping the post-Harvard-degree Rivers Cuomo look.
The soundtrack: An eclectic mix of mood-setting current and classic alternative designed for dance — Belle & Sebastian, The Smiths, Gnarls Barkley, Rolling Stones, Of Montreal, Peter Bjorn & John, Daft Punk, Hot Chips, Hollertronix — from residents DJ Vagina and Ross Jackson.
Chances of hearing Iggy Pop? Darn good.
Chances of hearing Chamillionaire? Chamillion to one.
Live and local: "Forward thinking" up-and-coming Honolulu indie bands are always part of Enterprise host Ara Laylo's captain's log. Past guests have included Sigur Rós-studying experimentalists At Sea, rockabilly punkers The Hell Caminos and the dreamy alt-rock of Laylo's own The Malcognitas.
The crowd: Indie kids, punk kids, hip-hop kids, dance kids, creative types ... and the 20 or so curious souls Laylo says always stumble in from nearby First Friday revelry. "One time there was a guy in a bee outfit, and I was, like, 'Yeah! There's a guy in a bee outfit!' " says Laylo.
Ashlee Simpson was here: Yep, Ms. "You-Make-Me-Wanna-La-La" herself — low-key grooving and attracting little attention, while going down down in an earlier round of The Enterprise in January.
Interiors: Votives, balloons, streamers and other accoutrements add a festive house-party vibe to Sound/House's (currently under renovation) grungy, darkened innards.
Know Ara? Besides singing lead with The Malcognitas, promoter Ara Laylo's past parties have included local indie-band-fueled Avant Pop and POPular. Laylo also flew in atmospheric indie pop stars Of Montreal for a January 2006 gig.
Ara's Enterprise mission: "All I want to do is spread positive vibes and promote the whole idea of paying homage to the DJs by dancing. It's a pretty simple idea."
Dance dance revolution: The Enterprise's unpretentious, fun-digging regular crowd comes to dance. And they'd better. "If nobody was dancing at The Enterprise, I wouldn't throw it anymore," says Laylo. "That's how important it is."
Single and looking? Lots of singles. But The Enterprise didn't have a hookup vibe.
Boys and girls: A near-even mix.
Got parking? Not really. But finding nearby street parking was easy enough.
Guesting tonight: The live Dance Dance Revolution-ready rock of Temporary Lovers, atmospheric electronica of CTRL+ALT+DEL and ever-clever turntablist ESKAE playing with disco punk.
Ara drops another party: The Enterprise-inspired "Frequency" launches at thirtyninehotel on March 23. Check out The Enterprise's MySpace site for details.
Reach Derek Paiva at
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