Posted on: Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Putting the lessons of '06 to use
Leila Wai
Advertiser Columnist
I've never been one for New Year's resolutions.
It's my strong belief that change takes time — and that as much as you try, you aren't going to be a completely different person in a month's time, which is usually how long resolutions last.
Of course, buying a home is tops on my list of to-dos. Except the market is still out of my price range, so I guess a more attainable goal is to save money for a down-payment. Then maybe this time next year I'll be writing about really being able to buy a place.
But I'd say that's more of a goal than a resolution. So forget losing weight or working out more. I'm all about learning from my mistakes. Here's what I learned from last year and how it's going to help me this year:
I went to Seattle the week before Christmas. I will never travel again during that time because (1) all the buildup for the special day is lost in travel and (2) between power outages and freezing temperatures, I'll take a Mele Kalikimaka any day.
Always be grateful for your family and friends. It was an emotional, trying year for me personally, so I was amazed at the incredible support I received. Although I hope none of my loved ones will go through painful experiences, I learned from others what it means to be a source of compassion.
Wear comfortable shoes. 'Nuff said. Except if I go out with my sister. In that case, wear painful, tall shoes or risk the look of death.
Dancing is still the best form of exercise! Whether it's in your bedroom or out on the dance floor, there's no better hidden form of burning calories than busting a move.
It's never too late: My cousin Lori and her now-husband Mike got married after 14 years together. Love's possibilities were evident to me that night. And the groom didn't even wear shoes. Awesome.
Eat more fruits and vegetables. OK, I didn't learn much about that last year, but I want to do it this year, so I figured I would put it on the list. I guess what I learned is that not eating leafy greens makes my grandma ask me where they are on my plate.
Soccer CAN make it big in a football, basketball and baseball state. As a longtime soccer player and fan, it was great to see what Brian Ching and Natasha Kai, both fixtures on the U.S. national teams, did this year. How that helps me I don't know, but I love talking about soccer.
My mom would hope I think before I act more often. But since impulsivity is part of who I am, I can say I'll pause before I think about making a decision. Of course, she didn't complain when I jumped right in and volunteered her for a spot at a table for the University of Hawai'i Na Koa football banquet.
So I send out my best wishes that you don't make the same mistakes that I did. But if you do, here's hoping you learn just as much as I did, too. Happy New Year!
Reach Leila Wai at