Community calendar
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LUNG DOO BENEVOLENT SOCIETY general membership election meeting, 11 a.m., United Chinese Society of Hawaii, 442 N. King St.; membership card required. 382-1668.
4TH ANNUAL TURKISH BAZAAR, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., through Thursday, Art Treasure, 1336 Nu'uanu Ave.; carpets, jewelry, ethnic and tribal arts, textiles for home decor, pashminas.
NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, Liliha/Pu'unui/'Alewa/Kamehameha Heights No. 14, 7 p.m., Kamehameha Heights No. 14, Mae'ema'e Elementary School, 319 Wyllie St.
NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, 'Aiea No. 20, 7:30 p.m., 'Aiea Library, 99-143 Moanalua Road.
NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, Waimanalo No. 32, 7:30 p.m., Hawai'i Army National Guard, Training Center auditorium, Bellows Air Force Base; enter on Akebono Road.
ROTARY CLUB OF HONOLULU lunch/meeting, noon, Royal Hawaiian Hotel, Monarch Room; featured guest: professor Dan Boylan, on "Election 2006: My, Oh My! What Did It All Mean?"; $18.35. 922-5526.
NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, Waikiki No. 9, 7 p.m., Waikiki Community Center, 310 Paoakalani Ave.
NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, Wai'anae Coast No. 24, 7 p.m., Wai'anae Neighborhood Community Center, 85-670 Farrington Highway.
ELDER LAW SEMINAR, by Hawai'i State Judiciary, noon-1 p.m., Supreme Court conference room, second floor, Ali'iolani Hale, 417 S. King St.; speaker: James Pietsch, director, University of Hawai'i Elder Law Program; free. 539-4909.
LEGAL LINE HOT LINE, call 537-1868 from 6-7 p.m. to speak with an attorney at no charge; call 537-9140 for free referrals (www.hawaii lawyerreferral.com); sponsored by Hawaii State Bar Association.
"TODAY'S KUPUNA," issues of interest to elders, their caregivers and families, 7 p.m. every Wednesday, 'Olelo Community Television, channel 52; weekly scam warnings from Better Business Bureau; special guests. 946-3888.
NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, Kaimuki No. 4, 7 p.m., Lili'uokalani Elementary School, 3633 Wai'alae Ave.
NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, Kalihi-Palama No. 15, 7 p.m., Kapalama School Cafeteria, 1601 N. School St.
KING DAVID KALAKAUA 170TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION, 9 a.m., King Kalakaua Triangle Park, in front of his statue in Waikiki; performances by the Royal Hawaiian Band, Halau Hula 'O Maiki and more; presented by the Free & Accepted Masons of Hawai'i and the Lodge Le Progres de I 'Oceanie, with support of the Mayor's Office of Culture and Arts; free.
NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, Wai'alae-Kahala No. 3, 7 p.m., Wesley United Methodist Church, 1350 Hunakai St.
NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, Kane'ohe No. 30, 7 p.m., Windward Community College, 45-720 Kea'ahala Road, Hale 'Akoakoa 103-105.
NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, Makiki/Lower Punchbowl/Tantalus No. 10, 7 p.m., Makiki District Park, Arts & Crafts Building, 1527 Ke'eaumoku St.
WEEKLY VIGIL FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE, 4-6 p.m. on Ala Moana boulevard at the Prince Kuhio Federal Building; bring a sign; sponsored by Not In Our Name.
THANKSGIVING SEASON OUTREACH for homeless, disadvantaged and single-parent families living on the Leeward coast; traditional Thanksgiving meal 11 a.m.:
STATE IDENTIFICATION CARD APPLICATIONS will be processed 8 a.m.-2 p.m., State ID Office, 465 S. King St., No. 102; $15, $10 for seniors. 587-3111.
BLOOD DRIVE, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., Ka'elepulu Elementary School cafeteria, 530 Keolu Drive, Kailua; sponsored by Ka'elepulu PTSA and Student Council in conjunction with the Big Brothers Big Sisters clothing drive; curbside dropoffs of clothing and small household items welcome. 389-5073.
RECYCLING COMMUNITY CLEAN-UP PROJECT, fundraiser for Waimanalo Christmas Parade, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., Waimanalo District Park; requested donations include scrap metal, appliances, pipes, beams, car parts, bicycles, newspaper, cardboard, beverage containers (HI 5¢), passenger tires (one load per household), green waste, car batteries, cell phones, printer cartridges, one computer per household, clothing, household items; no fluids; volunteers welcome; call for curbside pickup. 479-8367, 306-1876.