Ruling on flying ads makes sense for Isles
It's likely many will applaud a federal appeals court ruling against aerial anti-abortion advertising in Hawai'i on the basis of the content of the flying ads.
A ruling from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals said the city's ban on the flying ads was a reasonable restriction on speech in what is not traditionally seen as a public forum.
The court noted Hawai'i's longstanding ban on billboard ads and a specific law against aerial advertising passed in 1978. The same restriction would apply to flying ads for hamburgers or suntan lotion.
This ruling reinforces our efforts to keep our streets, outdoor areas and skies free from advertising clutter of any kind. It's the right decision for Hawai'i.
Correction: The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform never towed aerial banners over Honolulu. A previous version of this editorial contained incorrect information.