Posted on: Wednesday, January 18, 2006
No excuse for failing to squeeze in squats
Advertiser Staff
Can't find time to exercise? Multitask: Do leg lifts while you stir pots on the stove.
Gannett library photo
There are some folks who swear there is absolutely no time left in their day to schedule a workout — not even a half-hour walk around the neighborhood.
For those with such severe time constraints, the January-February issue of Women's Health magazine offers these calorie-burning moves, which can be done at the same time as everyday activities.
Waking up: While lying on your back, tense and release your abs 30 times.
Brushing your teeth: Rise onto the balls of your feet and hold for two seconds before lowering. Repeat 30 times.
Commuting: Gripping the steering wheel for resistance, squeeze your biceps and triceps and hold for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat 15 times.
Cooking dinner: Flex your right foot and lift your leg to the side, 12 inches off the floor. Repeat 15 times per leg.
Watching TV: Stand up with your feet slightly wider than hip width. Push your butt back and lower into a squat until your tush touches the couch. Then stand again. Repeat 15 times.
Many other exercises can be done while watching TV, including crunches, free weights, balance exercises on a stability ball and even push-ups.