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"Contain It!" appreciation of baskets, bowls and boxes as pieces of art, with keiki and adult art activities, steel-drum music by Greg McDonald and music and dance from Tangentz, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. today, Honolulu Academy of Arts; free admission sponsored by the Bank of Hawaii and The Honolulu Advertiser. 532-8700.
Wine, Cheese and Art, works from members of the Hawaii Watercolor Society, wine and cheese tasting and talk by Glenn Silva on "Aquarelles in Art," sponsored by the Alliance Francaise of Hawai'i, 3-7 p.m. today, 'Ilima hotel. 923-1877.
"Making Connections: Treasures of the University of Hawai'i Library," rare and special collections of books, historical documents, photographs, letters written by Hawaiian monarchs, prints, drawings, maps and other artifacts of Hawaiian history and culture, preserved from the October 2004 flood, today through Nov. 10, opening reception 2-4 p.m. today, Hamilton Library, UH-Manoa campus. 956-6888.
Current works by Kelly Sueda, today through Oct. 30, opening receptions 5-8 p.m. Friday and 1-5 p.m. Saturday, Cedar Street Galleries. 589-1580.
Two artists interpret the theme of family: "Family Ties," ceramics by Kay Mura and "I Ching Series," paintings based on the Book of Changes, Saturday through Oct. 20, Gallery at Ward Centre. 597-8034.
Bound Treasure Books by Daphne Myers, handbound books for journaling, sketching and collecting, Saturday through Nov. 22, Gallery at Ward Centre. 597-8034.
Art Kaua'i 2005, annual juried exhibit of multimedia works by members of Kaua'i Society of Artists, Saturday through Nov. 4, opening reception 5-8 p.m. Saturday, Kukui Grove exhibition hall, Lihu'e, Kaua'i. (808) 823-0579.
Recent Paintings by Chuck Davis; "Eclectic Adornment IX: Addicted to Beads!" beaded jewelry from nine artists; "Summer Fun!" ceramics by Esther Nowell; through Thursday, Gallery at Ward Centre. 597-8034.
Hawai'i Pacific University Annual Exhibition, 40th-anniversary exhibit of works in many media by students, faculty, staff and alumni, through Friday, HPU Art Gallery, Kane'ohe. 544-0287.
"The Lure of Fishing," art, artifacts and photographs examine the history of Hawaiian fishing and fishermen, through Friday, Exhibit Space at 1132 Bishop Street. 734-9375.
"I Belong," masks, paintings, photographs and fiber art from students, in grades seven and eight from King Intermediate School, who participated in the Leadership and Resiliency program this summer, through Friday, Gallery on the Pali. 561-5520, 297-6623.
"Images from Korea's Demilitarized Zone," photographs by Byung Kwan Choi, through Friday, Honolulu Hale. 922-8998.
"Women on My Mind," candid photographic portraits of women from 15 countries by Harry Kasanow, through Saturday, Pegge Hopper Gallery. 524-1160.
"Consummation of Time — Devotion to the Emptiness," sculptures, paintings and installations by Gwen Wock and photography by Samuella Samaniego, through Saturday, thirty-ninehotel. 599-2552.
"Masterworks of Chinese Art," more than 50 examples of porcelain, jade, lacquer and ceramic pieces as well as calligraphy and scrolls from the Rosalind Ching Pastor Collection, through Sept. 25, Honolulu Academy of Arts, Gallery 14. 532-8701.
"HNL to NY," a group exhibition of painting, photography, sculpture and installation art by 12 contemporary artists born and/or raised in Hawai'i who now live in New York, through Sept. 27, Contemporary Museum at Makiki Heights. 526-0232.
"Scenes from Daily Life," photographs by Budd Brooks, through Sept. 29, Canon Photo Gallery. 522-5930.
"Archipelago: Portraits of Life in the World's Most Remote Island Sanctuary," photographs by Susan Middleton and David Liittschwager, through Sept. 30, Academy Art Center at Linekona. 532-8901.
"Sisterstew," recent work by printmaker Louise Barr, emulsion and cloth images by Gail Gauldie and sculptural forms by Sara Nunes-Atabaki, through Sept. 30, Gallery 'Iolani, Windward Community College. 236-9155.
"Paumalu/Pupukea," original painting by Bill Braden on display through Sept. 30, portion of the proceeds from its sale will benefit the North Shore Land Trust project, Britton Gallery, Hale'iwa. 637-6505.
"Spirited Bravery: Samurai Spirit and Budo Masters in Japanese Art," paintings, prints, calligraphy and byobu (folding screens) reveal the ideals of loyalty, honor, courage and bravery of the samurai, through Sept. 30, Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai'i, Community Gallery. 945-7633.
New work by Christopher St. John and Marc Turner, through Sept. 30, Bethel Street Gallery. 524-3552.
"Manoa Mangoes," recent batiks by Julie Kerns Schaper, through Sept. 30, Ko'olau Gallery. 988-4147.
Paintings by Tim Nguyen and Sculptures by Joseph Chiarello, through Sept. 30, Details Gallery, 1142 Bethel St. 546-8000.
Works by Members of the Association of Hawaii Artists, wall-mounted works juried by Motoomi Eguchi, through Sept. 30, Art Board Gallery. 949-0700.
"By the Board," new prints by board members of the Honolulu Printmakers, through Oct. 1, Louis Pohl Gallery. 521-1812.
John Kelly, exhibit of etchings, aquatints, drawings and painting for viewing and for sale, through Oct. 1, Robyn Buntin of Honolulu. 523-5913.
Watercolor Workshop, two-session class taught by Bridgette Adams Greb, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday and Sept. 25, Wai'ole Tea Room, Manoa; $60 for two days with lunch included. 395-3238.
Basics in Oil, ongoing classes taught by Elaine Matsuda for those 12 and older, 10 a.m.-noon, 1-3 p.m. or 4-6 p.m., Mondays through Saturdays, 2639 S. King St., No. 204; $100 plus supply fees for five weeks of classes. 952-0309.
Oil Painting Classes, impressionist techniques using brush or palette knife, for beginning and experienced students, series of six classes (90 minutes each); $270 for the series taught at the YWCA on Richards Street. Schedule: 383-0998.
Tokai University and Shizuoka Junior College sponsors 17th annual Shizuoka Friendship Postcard Art contest. Artists 60 and older are invited to submit postcard art in painting, collage, print or mixed media for a Nov. 29-Dec. 2 exhibit of postcard art from Hawai'i and Japan at tne Shizuoka Community Gallery. Deadline: Tuesday. 983-4121.
Windward Community College seeks former students and faculty or others affiliated with the campus with memories, stories and art to share for the 25th-anniversary edition of the college's literary and art journal, Rain Bird. Submissions may be poetry, essays, prose or songs written by the individual or shared by tape or through an interview with current staff. Entry forms at Hale Akoakoa on campus, or download from www.wcc Entry deadline is Friday.
Maui Arts & Cultural Center will accept works for the juried Schaefer Portrait Challenge 2006 exhibit, scheduled for Jan. 8-Feb. 19, entries accepted Saturday for Maui residents at the Cultural Center. See www.maui for prospectus or call (808) 242-2787, ext. 258.
Hui No'eau calls for entries from members for its Oct. 16-Nov. 16 multimedia juried exhibition. Submit works 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Oct. 6, Hui No'eau Visual Arts Center, Makawao, Maui. Download application from or call (808) 572-6560, ext. 4.
Hawai'i Craftsmen seek works in clay, fiber, metal, wood, glass and mixed media for their annual statewide exhibit scheduled for Oct. 6-30. Entry of works from artists on Neighbor Islands is Sept. 26 through Oct. 1 and from O'ahu artists, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Oct. 2, Academy Art Center at Linekona. Entry schedule and prospectus: www or 596-8128.
Mental Health Kokua seeks proposals for an indoor mural depicting the organization's locations on a map of the Hawaiian Islands for its new conference room. Submit a sketch or narrative description with a budget and timeline for a 14-by-8-foot mural to Mental Health Kokua, 1221 Kapi'olani Blvd., Suite 345, Honolulu, HI 96814. Small stipend for creation of the mural. Deadline is Oct. 15.
Send announcements, with contact name and phone number, to: Island Life, Art Calendar, The Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802; or to, with "Art Cal" in the subject line; or fax 525-8055.