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SHOW BIZ By Wayne Harada |
'Twas the night before
But he was antsy and ready
For beloved Don Ho,
For UH's David McClain
For Paul Ogata
For Jasmine Trias
And, surely, that album
For Jim Nabors, gollee,
More North Shore time-off
For Karen Keawehawai'i
For Jordan Segundo
For Jade Moon, a plaque
A special that captures
For Carole and Kimo,
For Governor Lingle
Twenty-four hour security
For Mayor Mufi Hannemann
For Nalani, Lehua, Angela
Continued acclaim
For Tia Carrere
For Honolulu's Chuck Boller
A future Grammy for Reichel
For Charles Michael Brotman
For the brawny The Rock
For Bruddah Iz, in heaven,
For Marek Lieberberg,
A hana hou and big ratings
A haku lei for Feldman
For Frank DeLima
A Christmas concert
A steal-proof guitar
A bill of good health
For Auntie Genoa,
More movie score work
For Shawna Masuda
For the Society of Seven
New scripts for the Herenikos
For Keo, Russell, Chai
For Henry Akina,
A show with the Stones
For Deena, Joyce, Dwight
A big posse tribute
A brightly-lit marquee
For those dining companions
More Shooting Stars
More studio space
For Lee Cataluna
Exposure for Native Blend
For the Honolulu Symphony
A Mardi Gras comeback
For Kealoha Kalama
For suave senior citizen
For Miyagi-san Pat
A return to the studio
A magic show DVD
For pianist Kit Samson
For Kapono Beamer
For p.r. folks Lisa,
For "Nutcracker" dancers
To you, faithful readers
(Well, actually, three days early).
Santa wound up his shopping
To avoid feeling surly.
To deliver his gifties.
This year he spent plenty
'Cuz he wanted only nifties.
No-brainer, quite easy:
With stem-cell improved heart
Good healing, not queasy.
One Caribbean cruise.
He needs the vacation
For filling Dobelle's shoes.
Fame in his new L.A. home;
For deejay Augie T:
What next, autobiog tome?
It's simple, with reason:
Restored hometown support
Would be swell. Not treason.
For Ms. Velasco, Camile.
A singer with soul
And blues the real deal.
And his holiday "Friends"
A Hawai'i Theatre taping
On his 10th show ... Garanz!
For our beloved Johnson, Jack
And by George, Curious success
With his movie-music attack.
A secret untold
She has enough eyelashes
So send instead gold.
Sounding better than ever;
A video on MTV
Hey, never say "never."
That says, simply, Mom.
She's no longer on TV
(Leaving her fans bummed).
Her Filipino pride
Would give Emme Tomimbang
Such a mile-high ride.
What else? More "Hawai'i Stars."
For Jack and Cha Thompson?
A pair of new cars.
A background-check team.
No more embarrassment
Like that Bev Harbin scheme.
For Josh Holloway of "Lost,"
For his speeding ABC castmates?
Advice slow down, it'll cost.
More funds in the coffers.
To maintain the "Sunsets"
Beg for more corporate offers?
The women of Na Leo:
A monster national hit
That break records a KO.
For uke-strumming Jake.
And updated commercials
To match his remake.
Some time to play mom.
And shared tips for hapai
Amy Hanaiali'i Gilliom?
And Maui's Barry Rivers.
For Sergio Goes, too:
Hot stars. Big films. Shivers!
And the Cazimero two.
They lost last year ...
Aw, one for Ho'okena, too.
More ki ho'alu class.
And growing acclaim
For that Raiatea lass.
Another film here.
For Chris Lee's "Superman"
An Oscar is dear.
Why not do a movie?
Though casting is tough
But wouldn't that be groovy?
Another Eagles-calibre flight;
The 250-smackers ticket
No longer's a fright.
For Edgy and Matt.
Their "Levi Report"
Swings a real mean bat.
And even Arnone;
Their real-people specials
On TV aren't phony.
A headquarter to meet;
Since Wisteria is shuttered
He's practically on the street.
Next year for Makaha Sons.
That's John, Jerome and Moon
A keg of fun. Tons.
For victimized Makana.
For Keith and Carmen
Quality time with 'ohana.
For suave Danny Couch.
And a get-well-quick pill
For Arlene (minus "ouch").
More sustaining high notes.
For Auntie Nona?
Speedy recovery votes.
For Kimura-san, Audy.
For Leed and Cabang
Fresh jokes, nothing bawdy.
Who has presence and voice;
A Broadway musical
Would surely be choice.
Las Vegas and classic.
A room swap, some shows
With audiences Jurassic.
And for Marlene Sai.
For actress-singer Sonya?
Another "Bali Hai."
For DK, Roy, Mavro:
Happy, satisfied diners
Who'll applaud with "Bravo!"
And Burton White:
Filled seats, fans cheering
With all of their might.
Would match Moffatt's style.
A rebooked Mariah
Would make Peyton smile.
Hot tickets, huge throngs;
For Vanita, Eric, Harry
Ditto ... cannot go wrong.
For Perry and Price.
For dear Jerry Santos
Another "Kahalu'u" would be nice.
For Ronald E. Bright;
For Duane "Dog" Chapman?
A capture without fight.
Named Frannie and Millie.
Why, entrees and desserts,
Without calories, silly.
For ol' John Rampage.
For D'Orso and Hutchison
More moments on stage.
For Jon de Mello;
A get-well wish
For that Peter Moon fellow.
More tales about folks
At Longs or in flower shops
'Bout titas and mokes.
That's Willie with Eric;
Some work time off
For my colleague Derek.
Just plain ol' harmony.
And a new maestro
To end the dichotomy.
For tireless Jack Cione.
For Henry Kapono?
Easy, brah, a new "home."
More Japan-bound tours.
For Loretta and Azure?
Jazz jiving, toujours.
Debonair Jimmy Borges.
A patent on his secret
Of looking so gorgeous.
And comedic Ray Bumatai
A laugh-fest in heaven
Would brighten the sky.
For Eddie Kamae.
And save time for Jay Larrin.
Toss in lei of laua'e.
For John Hirokawa.
For No. 1 Joe Moore
Duracell power.
Another presidential gig.
For Al and Nancy
A karaoke rig.
A Grammy home run.
For brother Keola
More touring sounds fun.
Lynette, Aubrey, Sheila,
Donna, Piia, Bonnie, David?
Hot items ... a thriller.
Hurrahs and big cheers.
Now you can go shopping
As Christmas Day nears.
You, there, Mr. and Ms.;
Mele Kalikimaka, season's best ...
And that's Christmas Show Biz ...
Show Biz is published Tuesdays and Thursdays. Reach Wayne Harada at 525-8067, wharada@honoluluadvertiser.com or fax 525-8055.