Oregon cancels Special Olympics
Associated Press
PORTLAND, Ore. — The Special Olympics Oregon competition for the handicapped has been canceled for lack of funding.
Sheri Weber, a caretaker for 35-year-old Tim Erickson, who trains regularly for the games, had to break the news to him.
She said Erickson, who wants be a Trail Blazer, was near tears.
Marc Bourett, with the Special Olympics Oregon, says donations were down 30 percent and expected grants have fallen through, so the board of directors made the tough call.
Weber said she knew of the decision but waited until the last minute to tell Erickson.
She said Erickson told her he had been doing this since he was 8 years old. He said it made him sore inside.
Weber said Erickson, with his basketball dreams, lived for the games.
Information from: KGW-TV, http://www.kgw.com/