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Posted on: Monday, September 1, 2008

Community Calendar


FOODLAND GIVE ALOHA MATCHING GIFTS PROGRAM, today through Sept. 30: Show your Maika'i card and designate amount and charity at cashier counter ($249 limit); Foodland will match the donation and record the amount on your receipt.

BLOOD DRIVE, 7-10:30 a.m., Don Quijote, Kailua; must be 18 or older, in good health, weigh at least 110 pounds and present photo ID. 845-9966.

RECOVERY WALK AND DRY RUN, 5K run and 2-mile walk, for people in recovery from alcohol and drug addictions, their friends and families, 7 a.m., from Manoa Recreation Center; finish line, awards, refreshments and festivities at the multipurpose field. Register: www.recoverywalkhawaii.org or 236-2600, ext. 285 (Greg).

LABOR DAY UNITY PICNIC, 9 a.m.- 5 p.m., Waikiki Shell; free to all members, families and retirees of the state AFL-CIO, Building & Construction Trades Council, ILWU, Hawaii Teamsters, UNITE HERE Local 5 and Unity House; food, games and entertainment; free parking and shuttle service from Kapi'olani Community College; attendees asked to donate canned goods for newly unemployed families.


BATTLESHIP MISSOURI MEMORIAL CEREMONY commemorating the end of World War II, 8:45-9:45 a.m., on the ship's fantail, Pearl Harbor; featuring Sen. Daniel K. Akaka and Capt. Gregory Thomas, commander, Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard; free shuttle 7:45-8:30 a.m. near USS Bowfin Submarine Museum and Park; return shuttle until 5 p.m. 423-2263.

ROTARY CLUB OF HONOLULU luncheon program, 12-1 p.m., O'ahu Country Club; featured speaker, U.S. Rep. Neil Abercrombie on "The Real Barack Obama"; $22.50. Reservations: 922-5526 (Mary Saunders), administrator@honolulurotary.com.

WAIKIKI AQUARIUM VOLUNTEERS, ocean and marine life enthusiasts wanted as school program docents and aquarium interpreters; free training through Sept. 27. Information/registration: 440-9020.


AARP WAIKIKI CHAPTER luncheon, 11:30 a.m., Hale Koa Hotel, Waikiki Ballroom; the Rev. Thomas Yoshida speaks on hospice care; charter members $24, others $25, public welcome; reservation deadline Thursday. 593-1026 or 734-1350.

DISASTER PREPAREDNESS SEMINAR by Hawaii Red Cross, 6-7:30 p.m., Central Pacific Bank today at McCully Branch, tomorrow at Pearl Highlands Branch; free. Reservations: 544-0500.

LEGAL LINE HOTLINE, call 6-7 p.m. to speak with an attorney at no charge, 537-1868; call 537-9140 for free referrals (www.hawaiilawyerreferral.com); sponsored by Hawaii State Bar Association.


BLOOD DRIVE, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., University of Hawai'i-Manoa Campus Center; must be 18 or older, in good health, weigh at least 110 pounds and present photo ID. 845-9966.

HAWAI'I STATE FOUNDATION ON CULTURE AND THE ARTS BIENNIUM GRANTS WORKSHOP, 10 a.m., State Building, Room C, Hilo, Hawai'i; free. 808-586-0302.

IMPACT AND AFTERMATH OF THE OLYMPICS ON CHINA, talks by four leading China-based journalists, 12 p.m. (registration from 11:30 a.m.), East-West Center, Hawai'i Imin International Conference Center; members $20, nonmembers $22. RSVP by Tuesday: 944-7111 or ewcinfo@eastwestcenter.org.

LESSONS OF LOVE FUNDRAISER, for Jo Kapololu, former proprietor of Java Java Cafe and Lizard Loft, who is fighting cancer, 6-10 p.m. at Coffee Talk in Kaimuki; pupu by Chef Wayne Hirabayashi, wine and beer, entertainment by Makana, Tempo Valley and live DJ, silent auction (call 551-4876 to donate); tickets $60 at Coffee Talk or www.friendsofjokapololu.com; donations payable to Friends of Jo Kapololu at 604 Ninth Ave., Honolulu, HI 96816.


BUSINESS ATTIRE AND FOOTWEAR DRIVE, in support of Goodwill Industries, at all American Savings Bank branches open on Saturdays; men's suits, aloha shirts and shoes and women's suits, skirts and shoes are needed.

BLOOD DRIVE, 6:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at Town Center of Mililani, and 7:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at Pearlridge Center; must be 18 or older, in good health, weigh at least 110 pounds and present photo ID. 845-9966.

TASTE OF KALIHI, annual celebration highlighting Kalihi's rich history and cultural diversity, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. on Colburn Street, between McNeil Street and Waiakamilo Road; local cuisine, entertainment, barbecue cook-off and the state's largest electric slide dance; free admission.

SENIOR SAFETY session by police officer Derek Yee, on how seniors can protect themselves from dangers like identity theft and traffic hazards, 10:30 a.m., 'Aina Haina Library meeting room; free. 377-2456.