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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Monday, August 13, 2007

Coming events

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  • Insights in the launch of the Hawai'i Superferry � a "start-up" business already expected to generate tens of millions of dollars its first year � will be among topics at the Aug. 21 luncheon meeting of the PACIFIC ASIA TRAVEL ASSOCIATION. Speaking will be Damon Hylton, Hawai'i Superferry marketing director � and one of the "transportation attraction's" first employees. In the presentation, he will outline the new interisland passenger and vehicle ferry's service � expected to begin between Honolulu, Kahului and Nawiliwili on Aug. 28 � and its relevance to the existing tourism market. The luncheon meeting is scheduled 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at the Hawai'i Prince Hotel, Waikiki. Fee; guests/non-members welcome. Reservations at 621-2482, ext. 3.

  • Everything from "street-smart survival skills" for local Hawai'i professionals doing business in China � to embarrassing social gaffes that might endanger the project � will be covered in a Saturday seminar, "A CHINA SURVIVAL COURSE FOR ENGINEERS Going to Zhong Guo (Central Country)." The seminar and lunch, sponsored by the local section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), is scheduled 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Maple Garden Restaurant, 909 Isenberg St. Subject matter will also cover traveling/permitting logistics, culture, economics, politics, tech standards, geography and travelers' Chinese � to cultural do's and don't's. Speakers include Tom Moore, chief executive officer of Tropical Telecom Corp., which manufacturers phone systems in China � and a founder of Hawai'i's first hi-tech firm, Intelect Inc.; and Laisin Lee, founding president of the National U.S.-Hong Kong Business Association. Public welcome. Fee; non-IEEE members welcome; reduced student rate. Reservations by Wednesday: Al Toda, 455-1331.


  • The inaugural meeting of a local chapter of the SOCIETY FOR MARKETING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, a national organization working to connect the building and design community � including the engineering, architectural and construction industries � will be held tomorrow. The kick-off meeting will feature speakers: "presentation coach" and public speaker Pam Chambers, who will speak on "How to Address the Media," and Tom Smith, fellows delegate on the SMPS national board of directors, who will share the benefits of SMPS to Hawai'i's architectural, engineering, and construction industries. Founded in 1973, the national group has more than 5,600 marketing and business development professionals from architectural, engineering, planning, interior design, construction, and specialty consulting firms nationwide and Canada. Information, time or place of meeting: Michelle Skupin, 524-8255.


  • "Secrets of Successful Small Business Marketing: Take Your Business to the Next Level," sponsored by the Hawai'i Women's Business Center, will be offered Thursday. The hands-on seminar, presented by Karen L. Simon, combines marketing ideas and organizing strategies with computer methods to develop a successful marketing effort � including quick and efficient ways to organize clients and prospects using the computer. It is scheduled 5-9 p.m. at 1041 Nu'uanu Ave., Suite A. Fee; noncenter members welcome. Advance registration required: 526-1001.


  • "BUILD YOUR BUSINESS BRICK BY BRICK � Harness the Power of Networking and Strategic Alliances" � one of a series of Leadership Development Series workshops for professionals and the small business owner � will be offered Aug. 29. The discussion, sponsored by Envision Event Planning and Management and My Office LLC, will underscore the importance of networking and nurturing strategic alliances to "grow" the small business. The workshop will be presented by "business coach" Donna D. McMillan. It is scheduled from 5:30 p.m. registration; 6 p.m. workshop, at My Office, 1041 Waimanu St., Suite 101. Reduced registration fee by Wednesday: 256-3014.

  • Leadership coach Wendy Nakamura will speak to the Aug. 23 meeting of the Professional Women's Network. In the presentation, "FIVE THINGS YOU CAN DO TO BE A MORE SUCCESSFUL LEADER � Lessons from a Leadership Coach," she will share the five key leadership practices she's learned from leaders at all levels of the business world. The meeting is scheduled from 11:30 a.m. registration and networking; and noon luncheon at the Ala Moana Hotel, 'Ilima Room. Fee; guests welcome. Registration: 533-4800.

  • "POWER NETWORKING & BUSINESS CARD EXCHANGE" � with a special focus on women in the business world � will be presented by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. and Envision Event Planning and Management, 5:30-8:30 p.m., Sept. 7, at O'ahu Country Club. Reduced registration by Friday: Kaye Barkley, 230-3811. (Exhibit tables also available).

    Business meetings of general interest are listed in the "Coming Events" column each Monday. Submit notices at least two weeks in advance: Business Events, Business Section, The Honolulu Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802; fax to 525-6763; or e-mail (For e-mailed releases, please include information in the body of the message, not in an attachment.)